Wednesday, October 31, 2012


So being a Malaysian I have no idea how Halloween felt like properly and today being Halloween night, just gave me my first experience of Halloween and guess what? It felt awkward... So, I'm here staying at my guardian's place during the half-term break here and tonight's Halloween. One might expect me to dress up and walk around the neighbourhood stalking people and knock on people's doors saying "Trick or Treat" but guess what?


And do you know why? Cause I ain't got a bloody costume and why? Cause I never really expected to celebrate Halloween, though Slender Man was an option for me but I didn't have white skin and I had a face... So without a costume and no experience of Halloween and to avoid awkwardness and etc, I decided to stay on my bed and well stare at a screen flashing Red, Green and Blue lights into my eyeballs. Quite enjoyable for a person like me, but there's a catch! And its a good one!

- My guardians sent me to be the doorman -

And so I had to... And whoop de doo was it fun... Other than the fact it was totally awkward when three little kids stood at the door saying "Trick or Treat" and staring at some Asian kid with some pedo looking face when he smiles. So it was an entirely awkward moment and I just said some random stuff and gave them candy and I absolutely hated that moment, and I thought if I had to do this the whole night I might as well put on a costume and stuff, so I went back to my flashing screen and had a chat with my sister and she suggested a Chinese Mafia =.="... And I could pull it off, just with some hair gel or something but I didn't want to change and just waited to see if anyone else would come to the doorbell and ring it.

So I waited...

And waited while staring at my screen...

And continued to wait...

Until suddenly my guardian comes up to me saying "Okay, good night then! We are going to bed now." And VOILA!!! I was free and didn't have to say anything else to any strangers and no more awkward situations tonight! Hooray XD

What an experience...

This story should end here but while I was waiting and stuff I got bored and decided to do some Photoshopping and so I ended up editing a photo of my sister, Miss Kingyo, in her Alice Madness Returns costume. And this was the result

-Not too bad if I were to say-

This was all fun and stuff but since it is Halloween and there's supposed to be spooky stuff so I'll give you guys one. I came across this when I was playing with film grain which I later removed from this photo.

So yeah... It is pretty freaky and well I don't like it too much but it is generally the same photo and well it is a screen shot and I didn't bother to do anything further as I was focussing a bit too much on the main product.

So anyway, it was an interesting Halloween experience and I think I get an idea of how things are ran during Halloween and am expecting more next year. Also if I might get a white morphsuit I might dress up as Slender Man and start stalking people at night just for fun.

Sunday, October 28, 2012


As some people have seen this blog before I'm guessing you have seen a dramatic change between what it was last time. Blogger definitely changed from the last time I used it which was for a Formula 1 in Schools team blog which wasn't a huge success as there was not a lot of effort put it in but ignoring that the last time I would have checked blogger would have been a year now. I have definitely noticed that blogger is almost entirely different to what it was when it started but I guess that should happen or else it might be something wrong. The first time I saw Blogger after a year my immediate reaction was none other than this

Le Confused Gandalf Meme

None other than the Confused Gandalf meme would explain the feeling of seeing a whole new blogger. Having my own blog up and running again made me wonder why I ever stopped blogging, but then I remembered why... It was because I was too busy with ridiculous nonsense, but although it is not like I have plenty of time to update my blog I do see why my sister now enjoys taking a lot of photos and promoting her blog and etc. To be honest I think I said once that I never understood why people love to take photos of themselves and go "OMG, Look at me! I look so cute/fluffy/".

However... Now I think I get why, but as a teenager and through the eyes of most stereotypes I guess I am just another teenager trying to find out who I am, so bear with my randomness if you want to.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Life just being life

Actually this story is of no relevance at all but I decided to type something. It's actually 4 in the morning now and I should be asleep but I decided to write something before I slept. A few months ago I really wanted to gain the opportunity to play in the closed beta of an upcoming MMO game known as MechWarrior Online and guess what? Checking my e-mail today I found an e-mail stating I can finally play the Closed Beta of MechWarrior Online!


But guess what?

Life decided to just be life and there was another e-mail from MechWarrior Online. o.0... And what does it say? It says starting tomorrow MechWarrior will be Open Beta! Hooray!!! Well, NO! Not hooray cause I've been waiting months to gain access to the closed beta and once you gave it to me you decided to go Open Beta! Fine... My fault anyway since I did not check my e-mail earlier, but its alright cause I do not think my laptop can support it anyway. At least I have Hawken's closed beta to play still :P

Moral of the story? Life likes to throw lemons at you.

So what do you do with lemons? You make combustible lemons and throw it at Life's house! Don't make lemonades, take Life back!

P.S. That was from Cave Johnson from Portal 2. He says something along those lines


After a year of slumber, I decided it was time to open my blog back. I don't know why... Maybe because I have too much time at hand. I actually forgot about this blog for a long long time now and thinking back, there was a reason why I sort of closed this blog down. I don't really remember when actually but I remember why and it is a reason I'd rather keep to myself.

There were apparently times where I think I might have been under depression and was kinda emo and all sorts but they were rather fun times as I started thinking about the world and produced one of the best advice I have ever given. It was the one entitled "Life is more than perfect" and thinking back, that post was just slightly more than a year and it seems way longer than that. There are apparently quite a lot of weird things in my life and well in a way you can see how much I've changed, or at least a mask I put on for a "season". Still, my life is an epic story and a weird tale full of retardedness and randomness. This might be an awakening of a new blogger or just a lonely emo kid who wants to tell the world his tale but whatever it might be at least I know that I've kept a piece of me on the internet (besides Facebook).