Friday, September 17, 2010

Camping on 4/9/2010 - 5/9/2010 Part 2 (Partial Continuation)

Anyway continuing from the previous post which was quite a long time ago... XD Anyway after all those details, we had to clean Bob and Sam's campsite when we arrived with the last bags. We actually got a few lessons from Sam and Bob. It was mostly about picking a campsite. Our final choice was a campsite beside a bamboo forest, and in the middle of two other campsites. It was all cement too which was rather more enjoyable as the ground was flat and it was a slope so it was a rather a bit less than perfect for the campsite. We put a fly sheet over the ground and had our bags arranged at the fly sheet. I forgot to mention we had to clean our campsite like we did for Bob and Sam's campsite which were beside the shelter. Soon, we had our inspection.

I did not go in to a lot of detail as I am in the UK and the time is well at night and I still have jet lag so I am still tired as it is 5.10 in the morning so I don't know... I am tired... This is still not complete. XD Love the internet here

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Camping on 4/9/2010 - 5/9/2010 Part 1 (Details)

The camp is mostly for those VSG'ians who plan to be King Scouts. Mainly : Me, Boon Cheng, Ru Shen, Edred (All those who went actually XD). This was a one day camp to pass more than 1 test. The camping was held in Ulu Yam.

We started off in VI at 7.00 a.m. where everyone gathered to start preparation for the camp (golok [parang], saw, axe and a few timbers [kayu bakau]). Then we packed everything into the Trainers (Bob Lew and Sam Cheong) cars. We then left for Ulu Yam which is near Batu Caves (quite). We also stopped by a nearby Tesco ( A few minutes from Batu Cave [Driving]) to pick up anything we had forgotten such as food, drinks, cups, utensils, etc.

We arrived around 11a.m. and had a new feeling around this area. It was somewhat unlike the GTKYC camps where it was just plain hard ground and wide open area and had sides filled with trees. This campsite was more interesting. The cars were parked outside one of its entrances near an Archway. Through the archway there were many pondoks nearby (mind me for my rojak-ness [messy]) the area all spread out. The ahead (nearby) was a suspension bridge and below the bridge was, nonetheless a river or stream. There were three safe ways to descend to that area. There was one pathway down on each side of the bridge (left and right of it) while the other was opposite the pathway of the left side (facing the bridge start point).

After crossing it, we had to go to and fro from the car and the campsite to completely unload everything. The campsite consists of a Shelter area which is just a cement ground on the upper-right-hand [North-East] side after crossing the bridge. On the right there was another pondok but it had a table. Beside the shelter there was a square cement barrier that held the ground in place as well as enable the ground to be flat and smooth (perfect for camping). Opposite of the Shelter was more square like that but just smaller and more spread out. There was also a toilet straight ahead of the bridge.