Sunday, October 4, 2009


YAY! Finally my laptop is fixed and ready to go. Well, it was ready quite last Tuesday but I downloaded something and my laptop kinda went crazy and all and since I didn't have enough time to even use a computer (not really, I just didn't know how to fix the problem, that's all) it ain't really matter. Anyway, now let me tell you the story of this laptop. About a week ago, Hari Raya time, I re-formated my computer and it went a little well at first but then, I had to install the utilities and drivers, applications and all. While installing the Utilities and Drivers, some of the programs had ticks. So, I thought that it was the programs that has been installed, but I only found out today that it was the program to be INSTALLED. So well, you know I haven't been able to do much.

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