Sunday, May 15, 2011

Good deeds, better deeds

Its been some time since I started thinking again, and its not something I should do too often... Marvels of life are contained in meaningless words... I often wondered if the world expects me to be something that I fail to be, and often I find the answer is yes. No matter how many things that I have done, good and bad, I still find no satisfaction in it. People call me good, people call me bad. You can call me two-faced but am I really two-faced, or am I just a bit of both. Then again, people have different outlooks on personalities. Some people think doing a single good deed is able to erase all the bad, but some people would go to the extents of death and still think it is not enough. I shall not judge, but to those people who just give up a small piece of their life for someone else and think that is great compared to other people, think of this. Many people out there are willing to take the blame for someone else's mistake. Out there, people are willing to do more than just that, and you can show it out by putting on a mask and just doing "charity" here and there, but if its all just for fame, its still good in other people's perception, but in their heart, they are just comparing to themselves who has done nothing. Its about time these selfish people stop comparing themselves to the worst but rather compare it to the good. I cannot push further the sorrow that others bear for humanity. Those good lives that has been ravaged, tortured and destroyed because of the greed of other people. These people that took it, surely you have a guilty conscience in you and that's a reason for you to do a good deed, but is it enough? I can give you answers, its just whether you want to listen or not. Take heed of these words and expand it on your own thoughts. Even if the world cannot understand, I thank you for hearing my rambles about my thoughts.

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