Friday, September 17, 2010

Camping on 4/9/2010 - 5/9/2010 Part 2 (Partial Continuation)

Anyway continuing from the previous post which was quite a long time ago... XD Anyway after all those details, we had to clean Bob and Sam's campsite when we arrived with the last bags. We actually got a few lessons from Sam and Bob. It was mostly about picking a campsite. Our final choice was a campsite beside a bamboo forest, and in the middle of two other campsites. It was all cement too which was rather more enjoyable as the ground was flat and it was a slope so it was a rather a bit less than perfect for the campsite. We put a fly sheet over the ground and had our bags arranged at the fly sheet. I forgot to mention we had to clean our campsite like we did for Bob and Sam's campsite which were beside the shelter. Soon, we had our inspection.

I did not go in to a lot of detail as I am in the UK and the time is well at night and I still have jet lag so I am still tired as it is 5.10 in the morning so I don't know... I am tired... This is still not complete. XD Love the internet here

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